“Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world.”
Pursuing the Star
Could the Three Kings of the Christmas Story inspire us today in their pursuit of the star? A Christmas Devotion.
The Side Door Nativity
Sipping the steaming coffee in my to-go cup, I noticed a plastic nativity scene set up by the side door of a small brick house. Then the light turned green so I quickly focused on the road, but I frowned.
In the Garden
In a diary entry, my eighteen-year-old hand wrote an audacious goal: To someday have a garden.
Time is running out
Time is running out. I woke up with these words heavy upon my heart. I hate to feel them, see them and know them, and yet they are etched into life everywhere I look.
At the Wheel
Do you struggle with over commitment. Is it hard to say “no”? Me too! Read on to see how I am taking back the wheel.
The Fuzzy Blue Robe
Through one of my earliest memories my heart shares its longing to be noticed and cared for. This invitation is also for you to slow down and allow God to attend to your heart.
I cleaned out the cupboard under the island in my kitchen. It was over flowing with Tupperware lids. I had put off cleaning the cluttered space for months.